Kadambari Kaul

Kadambari Kaul

Kadambari Kaul is a poet and author of three books on Indian philosophy: Brihadaaranyaka Upanishad, Verses from the Dhammapada and Gautama Buddha - A Noble Life. Her books have received positive reviews in the National Press and have been well distributed in libraries in India and abroad.

Writing poetry is a sort of meditative exercise and an integral part of Kadambari's spiritual journey. Her poems have also been featured in various anthologies and journals such as "Ocean Waves" published by Red Penguin Books, "New York" and "Freedom" published in the Anthology Freedom Raga and republished in the literary magazine Reader's Choice, India. Kadambari recommends Conc ' rn: Care of Needy Children Rightfully Nurtured.

Where they are used, misused and abused,
Evan as they never fail
To kindle pleasures
And satiate base desires
Of their lords and masters

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Glorious and inglorious, both
All a matter of perception
Of those she cared little about
In her journey from obscurity

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