“Hey Sandy, Margaret. Hi, Coreen,” she greeted cheerfully. Conversation came to a dead halt. Margaret shook her head, excused herself, and turned her back on her. The others wouldn’t look at her. A group of church women gave her the same reception.

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Well, we had all these problems. They were ignorable at first, easily swatted away like a fly or at least something you could flip over from one TV channel to another. We held marches and protests with catchy names and cool accessories.

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So I gave it a different name.
A protrusion,  
an inconvenience,
a trifling, stifling,
​terrible turn of events

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of the blue
without asking
anything in return

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Brianna’s advertising firm, known in Trentwood, New Jersey simply as the Firm, had been chosen for a vast advertising campaign to redeem the reputation of white males. This meant that all the copy writers were competing to come up with a slogan...

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When caught off guard it wasn’t uncommon for a camper to show resistance, fear sending their biological instincts into overdrive. But the stoic chaperones who could easily be spotted in their maroon jackets and gold whistles around their necks were trained for this.

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I will not force any words.
I will not use the word allocate,
too late. I have no image,
no brand, no reason to be
​someone I am not.

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Ravenous appetites on crushed boulders
In depths, immersed hues
Some oceans
​Topaz in bloodied hands.

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Discursiveness, particularly in its poetic form rather than its philosophical scope, serves as a mimesis of the thought processes, inherently descriptive in nature. It is often perceived as a way to mirror the way thoughts flow and evolve, rather than presenting a strictly linear or coherent argument.

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What if I was too different? What if I was, like so many Western women in their eyes, individualistic and egocentric, putting self before family? What if I was cold and impersonal and aloof? What if I took their son away from them?

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She said there were two policemen downstairs who wanted to see me. I dressed quickly and went down. They were waiting for me in the living room, one, the younger of the two, was sat on the settee, the other was standing, looking out of the window, his hands in the pockets of his overcoat.

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