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Good art, for me, is that which is focused on form, on aesthetic, on guaranteeing that those who partake within the art are being told not what to see, but how to see. A good story means little to me if its prose doesn’t meet the criterion of its plot, or if the camera merely follows the characters it films.

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During his period as a senior member of the Franciscan Order there is clear evidence that Francesco della Rovere fathered several illegitimate children through a number of affairs, including a son, Giuliano della Rovere (later Pope Julius II) born out of incest with his sister Raffaele della Rovere (1423-1477)...

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sent to chastise them for raping our Earth
and to either disabuse them of their ways
or to overthrow them all
before one tyrannical species is allowed
to completely annihilate the third planet from the sun.

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I am not a vampire, but I endlessly sleep in a coffin
Bloodless. I scare little girls
without even speaking. Stale swaths
of dirty hair are stuck inside my mouth

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I choose a rigid self-denial
from bourbon and curbside service.
Walking out for a drinks,
my doctor confessed to a taste for
​chain mail fetish and other men’s wives.

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Bashar Jihad, the Palestinian driver, did not slow until two fresh IDF draftees were about to fire at him and his wife, Layla Jihad, who, her robe hiked up and her knees wide and suffering, lay on the back seat. Her unborn child was in breech position.

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The next morning she worked out with tears streaming down her face. “A year you’ve been with me” she said. “You and I are in this together” she said. “You can’t go” she said. Then finally “Please don’t.”

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We no longer need the Bill of Rights -
that was for the short guys,
we need a Patriot’s Act, and the fear of
terrorists who hate us for our superior characteristics, immigrants looking for a home.

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      just another voice
                 in Plato’s head
          screaming from the rafters
                           while the rest
               of the mad choir
      screws around in the cheap seats

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Where they are used, misused and abused,
Evan as they never fail
To kindle pleasures
And satiate base desires
Of their lords and masters

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Like a bomb hit it.  Controlled destruction
For want of a better word, for choice information
Raised above censure, published at will
​Blurring boundaries between now and otherwise.

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