Bob Heman

Bob Heman

Bob Heman's words have been anthologized recently in Contemporary Tangential Surrealist Poetry: an anthology (SurVision Books), A Shape Produced by a Curve (great weather for MEDIA), Contemporary Surrealist and Magic Realist Poetry: An International Anthology (Lamar University Literary Press), and Alcatraz (Life Before Man). Bob recommends the National Coalition Against Censorship.

each man given a sequence
that must be followed
until the meaning 
becomes obvious
and the light is found

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afraid of the truth
and how it might
change the past
they want to believe

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one can climb
to dispel the laughter
to add the ocean
to the ceiling
and the birds
to the trembling gown

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Listen closely and you will hear the moans of the damned. Listen closely and you will hear animals singing the songs of the angels. Listen closely and you will hear the horizon approaching.

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the film begins with a house and some blood on the doorstep
and the sound of a distant train disappearing across the moors
destination: unknown at this time
the only listener with his collar turned up against the damp night

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