Christopher Shipman in New Orleans



On April 20, 2019, Rigorous: a journal by people of color and Birds, LLC joined forces to present a side-site reading of the New Orleans Poetry Festival at Faubourg Wines, in New Orleans.



Christopher Shipman

Christopher Shipman is the author of The Movie My Murderer Makes: Season II (The Cupboard), coauthor of Super Poems II (Kattywompus Press), coauthor of Keats is Not the Problem (Lavender Ink), and coauthor of ~getting away with everything and _a ship on the line with Vincent A. Cellucci (both from Unlikely Books). His work appears in journals such as Cimarron Review, PANK, Pedestal, Plume, Salt Hill, Spork Press, and TENDERLOIN. Shipman lives in Greensboro, North Carolina with his partner Sarah K. Jackson and his daughter Finn, where he teaches literature and creative writing at New Garden Friends School and plays drums in the band The Goodbye Horses.


Edited for Unlikely by Jonathan Penton, Editor-in-Chief
Last revised on Thursday, July 25, 2019 - 23:04