"Palimpsest" and "Faith Be With Us"
Teenagers they struggle financially They’re seemingly ordinary must wake up early I don't know smart it's much less larger than intelligible doesn't matter that you're doing everything right like your job wins another girl most are stuck in a racial prejudice colonial superimposition Which in Southeast Asia who was There is happiness for game cultivation goes the practice of demand proposed along the journey He's exercising Even if you do nothing else Esoteric is the meaning way back in school with chest pains Effortlessly breathing will be no need Tell me when you're gone to what if I go Society The veil of unconsciousness the Cool black Prevail the Algerian War in French Bustling office space self-observation Can't do his work for fools you have paper crunches stapler teeth jeans eating recycled shredded peripheralized thought process drawn up By The Jungle Book desire nationalistic for days the victim in your inner narrative or perhaps Females Interrupting your concentration with unnecessary emergence Hope is for the glory of books desire to transform social media instead control for goods and happiness an upside down Bridge across Imaginary Lands happened Is a reflective practice that involves mentality The goal is to recall the events of the day On action of beginning the endless ends intrinsic shells fall Begin with the very last thing you did before Brushing your teeth helps My event in trying to visualize Reading titles you Without any emotional coloring work on formalizing clear Did he say colonizing the red blue lights black children You can gain insights into your habits and behaviors Memory comes back the money is made you must comply with causative norms the game Remember everything you did before time involves focusing on the vital energies that animate all living things.
Faith Be With Us
I am an intensely rational person My average walk Sometimes nationality comes in the form of deception Absorbed in logical problems purely mental Just figuring so fear comes around grabbing you back over do you hear no sound First is information gushing Sometimes the chance to be and to me Someone told me the man's name which to my young ears sounded like Don't you know my name? Realized was the invisible Lord my parents Never fed me Chopstick greens the trees were groomed the apples dry when she picks one sevens gone from the side They didn't know good from bad until after they ate You never could see how they could blame you don't punish yourself Communion responds Taking him out of Heaven That was no kindness or forgiveness the mouth words for crumbled stones I'm going out with a full coming flood engulf the Earth only It's raining in my heart because my baby is a synergetic sponsor apology of the mind college finds me in and around a Building I'm no good I recall the low menacing voice warning me dumb question glare Peace on Earth with their gums growing fruits metronome's hair bouncing around my fat son ripped something very small over the week I didn't want to go anywhere my complaints were dismissed When you go to church you birth your appreciation water this fountain round some scene falling silk craned mixing it up in Betty Crocker dream of all Sinners go to Lazarus for free Acceptance shows spiritual maturity Don't ask me my questions my path I'm going on a long sojourn when not coming back good morning Communication In an innocent moment aloud my journey is slow there is nothing as smooth as your hair in the mirror refined your replaceable destiny to dream a predominantly passive experience I'm talking to the nearest reflection of a refracted potato and time I'd send to myself ‘love all’ and then I remember why they said I'd fly because I think too much now Dropping the bull destroyed the magic the Ink that died the pen I've become quite a vocal member of a certain group I found a fellowship I could really relate to and begin to take unprecedented fulfillment in my faith.

Ken Edward Rutkowski is an artist/ writer living in Vung Tau, Vietnam. While in Asia, he has traveled around Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Borneo and Thailand. He is a contributing writer with Mad Swirl and more of his work can be found in Tofu Ink Arts Press, Scapegoat Review, Fiction International, The New Post-literate, The Fiction Pool, High Shelf Press, The Beatnik Cowboy, The Journal of Experimental Fiction and Booooooom. Ken recommends Viet Dreams.