Vincent A. Cellucci with Zack Godshall
On July 22, 2019, the Zeitgeist Theatre and Lounge hosted a special showing of Unlikely Salons, featuring poet Vincent A. Cellucci and videographer Zack Godshall. Zack showed an excerpt from his ongoing web-series, Hogwash. Vincent played with the audience using his Diamonds in Dystopia, a web-framework for interactive poetry performance, in which attendees used their cellphones to select random texts to assemble a poem. And Vincent read from his new book, Absence Like Sun, using Zack's visuals of the American Southwest. Check out this video from that collaboration of Absence Like Sun and Zack's cinematography.

Vincent A. Cellucci wrote Absence Like Sun (Lavender Ink) and An Easy Place / To Die (CityLit Press). He edited Fuck Poems an exceptional anthology (Lavender Ink). He has three collaborative titles: come back river (Finishing Line Press), Bengali-English translation collaborations with Debangana Banerjee, and with Christopher Shipman ~getting away with everything and _a ship on the line (both from Unlikely Books). Vincent performed “Diamonds in Dystopia,” an interactive poetry web app at SXSW in 2017, and the poem was anthologized in Best American Experimental Writing 2018. After writing and living it up in Louisiana for 18 carnivals, he moved to the Netherlands to experience sinking some place new. He haunts the TU Delft Library.

Louisiana native Zack Godshall makes films about unsung people and places that exist along the fringes of culture. His films have premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, been acclaimed by The New York Times and The Atlantic, and played on The Documentary Channel and Zack earned an MFA in film directing from UCLA and currently teaches film and screenwriting at Louisiana State University.

Unlikely Salons were a series of monthly salons of literature and art at the Zeitgeist Theatre and Lounge in Arabi, Louisiana, just outside New Orleans. Unlikely Salons typically featured one writer and one visual artist.
Unlikely Salons were hosted by Jonathan Penton and Leona Strassberg Steiner. The series is now over, but several recordings can be found here at Unlikely Stories Mark V.