"transit," "knot distance," and "bring pool gnat"


fin ger m
ask or face
light shim
mers where
the mouth or
coiling eyes
you see did not
,the s become
an e


knot distance

the coil re
placed your eeyyee
was moment will
be muffled in a
sleep or mattress
slumped and sopping
on a curb will
be the death last
week the f
light is wrapped in
bloody newsprint's
mist sspeeding
out of control if
control could foam
the kaos de forming
in the warehouse's
dank petroglyphs or
water's towered
walls on hill
where grass dis
solves was cloud-like


Something sensed in
Ivan Argüelles' “The Death”


bring pool gnat

crawl beneath
​a clod or smoke
spiraled in the
cave your
laundry left
it was a nos
tril g low i
t was a



John M. Bennett

John M. Bennett has published over 400 books and chapbooks of poetry and other materials. He has published, exhibited and performed his word art worldwide in thousands of publications and venues. He was editor and publisher of LOST AND FOUND TIMES (1975-2005), and is Founding Curator of the Avant Writing Collection at The Ohio State University Libraries. His PhD (UCLA 1970) is in Latin American Literature. His latest books include Select Poems (Poetry Hotel Press/Luna Bisonte Prods, 2016) and The World of Burning (Luna Bisonte Prods, 2017). He is co-editor, with Geoffrey D. Smith, of two works by William S. Burroughs: Everything Lost: The Latin American Notebook of William S. Burroughs; and William S. Burroughs' “The Revised Boy Scout Manual”: An Electronic Revolution; both published by The Ohio State University Press.


Edited for Unlikely by Jonathan Penton, Editor-in-Chief
Last revised on Friday, May 13, 2016 - 09:45