i’ze gots the post-bastille part-um blooze, 2019
i’ze gots the post-bastille part-
um blooze, 2019
15 july, a-
monday mon-
day, playing with a voix-
track sung in canton-
ese, or is it cali-
fornia dream-
ing? & wholly
holy bird shit
on a sol-
ar panel, we miss-
ed bastil-
le day again, a-
oh well, we’ll al-
ways have raff-
les, we’ll al-
ways have lotto tick-
ets, we’ll always
have that col-
lection of
singapore post-
age stamps we found
on the corn-
er when the fuck-
in’ fascist cops
chased those kids
from that burnt-out apt.
bldg. squat on 3rd. & tayl-
or (w/its basement lead-
ing to the legendary shang-
hai tunnels) & tchuck-
ed everyth-
ing from a
4th. fl., all-
we’ll always
we’ll al-
ways have the serv-
ant’s door

R.V. Branham has two fiction collections, Chango Chingamadre & Other Moral Fictions, & A New Order of the Phylum (Seventh Station Books); he’s also the author/compiler of Curse+Berate in 69+ Languages (Soft Skull Press, 2nd printing). A writer & translator, for twenty years R.V.’s been publishing editor of the completely multlingual en-face Gobshite Quarterly (in double issue flip-book format) and publisher of GobQ/Reprobate Books. His fiction, essays & poems have been in publications & anthologies including Red Lemonade’s Hybrid Beasts e-book, Ellery Queen’s Mystery Mag., Isaac Asimov’s SF Mag., 2 gyrls quarterly, In Other Words, Mérida, Unlikely Stories & The Writing Disorder.