A Melody of Flowers
New millennium blooms forth in waves
Of rustling silk, euphoric! Yet, its flowing
Abundance so strangely bereft! Flowers
Hark back to songs of innocence,
Golden melodies that trace the contours
Of our ancient land's - shining diamonds!
Standing in the moment, a diamond
Reflects, the romance in waves
Of enjambed ideas, free contours
That do not restrict, but let flowing
Rivers and hearts full of innocence
Meld into a melody of flowers!
To be and to dream, to bloom & to flower
Is the essence of existence, a diamond-
-Like resilience, a radiant innocence
That withstands storms & fiery waves;
Gentle admonishment to keep flowing
In compassionate hearts and contours.
Set within a glowing melodious contour,
Seeped in its soil of varied flowers
Swept in the beauty of its flowing
Rivers, how can one not see diamonds
In forms and beings, in waves
Of luminous beauty, its dewy innocence?
Hark, the dust-covers fall, and innocence
Safe within, illumines broken contours
Of a full millennium; erupting in waves
Once again, dancing with the flowers
In resurrected fields, gems & diamonds
Shining forth in you and me, flowing!
And it keeps flowing
Through darkness and light, innocence
Imbued in hearts, rare diamonds-
Our own insights! Kintsugi in contours
Touch the ring of dazzling flowers
Gild the oceanic churn of waves...
On a full moon night of flowing waves,
Sweet contours of flowers
Speak of innocence, our inner diamonds!

Smeetha Bhoumik, winner of the 2023 Reuel International Award for Poetry, is a poet, artist and editor. She is founding editor -Yugen Quest Review (2021) and founder –WE Literary Community (2016). Her poems feature in national and international journals and anthologies. Her poetry has flown to the moon as part of the Polaris Trilogy in the Lunar Codex; thus aligning her early Universe Series artwork with her poetry in beauteous synchronicity! Her work featured at the Panorama International Literature Festival, 2024. Her sestina 'Tiara of Gleaming Peaks, Our Talisman', features in The Mountain Was Abuzz, an anthology edited by the exceptional mountaineer, author, former air force officer Toolika Rani.