The Shape of Light
i have swam with the mind's eels of mediterranean opuses
i have meditated on andean precipices on finities & infinities of being & seeing
hidden in plain sight these realms appear before me untouched by mind
uninhibited by mind unfractured by mind unspun by mind
color & sound of mind vibration & stillness of mind mind being prescient sunspot of time mind being time mind bending time
mind being seedless motion of planets catalyst of breath mind of universal flickering
like a shamanic candle i burn in the windows of finitude
like dreambodies of light i have turned westward eastward true north beneath vertigo skies
like dreamworlds birthing possibility i have eloped with transplanetary eruption
continents move beneath my soul my soul moves continents my soul touches this Earth
my soul touches every Earth fathomed & unfathomed transient luminous
i have turned my enemies on themselves
out of thin air
i have appeared nascent to self the ambiance of my becoming
like a vaporous light-cloud passing within & without mesquite forests of thought
of night terrors & swarming vibrations reflections
of connection & deeply rooted tendernesses
of time & moonlight’s mauvest rays
of venus fly traps alighting volcanic ash & watercolor magnolias
uncertain & true
i have lowered the bridge for my heart to pass beyond concussive preaching
i am the cosmos!
i am these deserts flourishing within finch wing untied from the fence!
i am 1,000 nights of penance the talisman of darknesses i am palpable reverberations in the hearts of men & women! lion & ringtail! moose & scarab! ant & ant eater!
over troubled waters did my soul hover
nights bent at the knees, asking
under canopies of eternity
did my dreams burn with the light
of 1,000 eyes watching my every move
from present to past
the angle by which this glimpse slips
into the everlasting image
a wind-blown flag a glass house
governments nations borders being tripwires
invisible to the weight of tongues
landscapes heart beats
i roam enchanted by worlds yet to become
following the truest most brilliant light of thought
the poem rests on the mantle of my heart ablaze with solitude
the urge to continue strange urge stranger to humankind the poem astounds the gods themselves not at all equipped beyond dreambodies nor ecstatic want & need
the poem ascends to the crown by torch by touch the fire of desire
burning in the night sky like a signpost true north to fatigued travelers
burning in the night sky shooting stars beyond shadows of consciousness beyond grief & strange pain do i aim my steps
target: the otherside of the sky
target: my heart on the cell walls of buffalo’s tears
target: my heart on precipices of forests forever a rebuttal to governments nations borders everywhere you are fell by the small axe of truth & beauty
target: my blood flows through the cosmic body in unison with ancient tides rivulets on cygnus
my raising & lowering is the ascension from root to seed to stem & back to soil
my ascension is the orbit of the sun pushed & pulled by invisible forces
my love the petals of hermetic sunflowers bathed in daylight cloaked by darkness at the right hand of angelic thrones of tears
destination: freedom from concepts, delusion
destination: ideas born wings of light
destination: beyond knowledge, awareness flourishes in puddles of mirrors dispersed throughout the ocean floor
O light of love O light of creation!
take me to the end of rivers
the edge of water & land
on my tongue circuses of resilience
on my tongue bouquets of patience
the motion of clouds is my heart's motion
east to west west to east
from present to past
my heart a candle rejuvenated by sporadic breezes in humming birds’ wings
to the true nature of being!
O my heart!
O you withering trapeze teetering over abysses of sprawling landmines
O you echo of wind charged eucalyptus, swaying!
the light of 1,000 butterflies makes a home in my skull
i dream the dream the light of flight
i dream & command my darknesses—
darkness everywhere the promise of a beginning
everywhere the light of my carcass
ignites momentums through the bones
dancing the rain
of the tongue's ancient witness

Daniel Cyran is the author of RESUSCITATIONS. He studies candles near the Sonoran desert. Instagram: @10000candles. Daniel recommends NAMI.