"stagNation," "as felt as heard," and "un nu mb"
[ forward stilted; wastagehostage; silt sluggish
closedfists resist creating; what
means inalienable?—inapplicable?
polluted rationalizations—only prevent :
immobile ]
as felt as heard
i drop a shoe
on a cardboardbox,
its one side open to receiving
its sound :
low and dull,
like a bass drum struck
with a soft hand
i feel it,
shot as it is,
in my chest—
then, outside,
a report
the same sound . . .
different :
low and dull,
like a bass drum struck
with a soft hand
felt in my chest—
my body—
more resonant,
the difference mentioned
not a sound made from
the slapping of shoe
on corrugated cardboard
once uncommon,
increasingly more—
de rigueur
un nu mb
her hands,
damp with dishwater,
drop, plunging—
drenched, dense
with the depths
“i retch, nauseous, that i'm no longer stunned,
though these moments remain most macabre . . . ”
[ horror, of atrocity, the maidenhand is ]
one mustn't become flushed by
the absurd farrago of

Shine Ballard, the déclassé dabbler, uses notebooks . . . and ekes by a pencil. Twitter at @shineballard.