My pen and mind meet
in my canvas
to take a cerebral ride
to connect with the sun, moon and stars
to bring them on to the canvas
My canvas is the garden
where violin thoughts
and mindful artistry
bloom a bouquet of words
words convey my tears, smile and story
words become the rollercoaster
in which I joyously take my ride
When I paint the poem
through my mind’s eye
my canvas becomes the journal
where pen replaces the brush and
words replaces the images
As I dip my mind in paint and write
a colourful and creative muse
visits my canvas to illuminate
it like a starry starry night
for each starry starry night
I give away a piece of myself
for every word that I write
Poetry is imaginary painting and
painting is visual poetry
For every poem
that I’m painting
I become an artist
in love with writing

Kavitha Krishnamurthy works as a Team Leader in Cognizant, based in Chennai, India. She spends her free time writing poems, articles and fine art drawing. She looks at drawing and writing as a platform to give color and shape to her creativity and imagination. Kavitha recommends the Hope Charitable Trust.