Gina Ferrara at Parleaux Beer Lab, New Orleans
On May 26, 2022 four Unlikely authors (Meg Tuite, Tobey Hiller, Jonathan Kline, and Gina Ferrara) assembled at Parleaux Beer Lab in New Orleans to celebrate the release of two Unlikely Books: Flight Advice: a fabulary by Tobey Hiller and White Van by Meg Tuite. This is the footage of Gina Ferrara's read.

Gina Ferrara lives and writes in New Orleans. She has four poetry collections: Ethereal Avalanche (Trembling Pillow Press, 2009), Amber Porch Light (Word Tech 2013), Fitting the Sixth Finger: Poems Inspired by the Paintings of Marc Chagall (Kelsay Books 2017) and her most recent Weight of the Ripened (Dos Madres Press, 2020), a finalist for the Eyelands Poetry Prize. Her work has appeared in numerous journals including Callaloo, The Poetry Ireland Review and Tar River Poetry and was selected for publication in the Sixty-Four Best Poets of 2019 by Black Mountain Press. Since 2007, she has curated The Poetry Buffet, a monthly reading series in New Orleans. She teaches English and writing at Delgado Community College. Gina recommends the New Orleans Bulldog Rescue.