"Dispatches from Florida" and "Florida Conceal"

Dispatches from Florida 

Someone outside a homeless tent
asks for America's monarchy back.
Others want to post a red flag
on demands for democracy's foreclosure.
Well we miss being told what to do  
for food that much. State warns:
Free will increases chances of 
turning gay. Must be exorcised.
Let's hock liberty for flying fists.
Equality needs to be measured.
Someone's going to send a dove
and that's when we'll snap. Life
in peacetime is how nukes get 
dropped. Why are there no good 
victories about mutually assured 
destruction? Not even a reservoir 
could hold us back. It takes a child 
to feed a village for wartime, wealth
distributed equally. This country's
a Slip and Slide onto a dance floor
that ends in a big brawl. If everyone
mad stomps hard enough, the world
can stop, spin back towards posterity. 



Florida Conceal


Items include

thoughts, sex,


intent to leave.

In place of gun,


keep timetable,

walk with intent


yet maintain

hazy stare of


a meth trance,

make those who


watch state line

think you will


wander back in

on own accord.


No matter how

hot, do not ever


open up, extend

arms out until


you’re far from

crumbled state


that ignores

shrinking shore


to paint eternal

hunter’s moon.



Chad Parenteau

Chad Parenteau hosts Boston's long-running Stone Soup Poetry series. His latest collection is The Collapsed Bookshelf. His poetry has appeared in journals such as Résonancee, Molecule, Ibbetson Street, Pocket Lint, Cape Cod Poetry Review, Tell-Tale Inklings, Off The Coast, The Skinny Poetry Journal, The New Verse News, dadakuku, Nixes Mate Review and anthologies such as French Connections and Reimagine America. He serves as Associate Editor of the online journal Oddball Magazine.


Edited for Unlikely by Jonathan Penton, Editor-in-Chief
Last revised on Monday, August 21, 2023 - 11:23