"Brain cleaning" and "All knickety-knack yakking"
Brain cleaning
Jumbled thoughts and mystical energies
Flotsam and jetsam
Events however are solid earth entities
Shit happens
That word, that substance, humbles my thoughts
Cringing, I pinch my nose to stop its entrance
That pollution is not wanted
Brains harbor enough leftover garbage
Every day I clean things up and
spray some freshener over my thoughts
Then something happens
Something always happens
Even when I finally fall asleep
Letting go of the day’s activity
My dreams drag shit up that I’d rather flush
Where’s that mystical probiotic
to balance my thoughts and soothe the
day/night streams of a tangled mind
All knickety-knack yakking
where white men still topped the charts
Kerosene rainbows
matches light the past
like whipping raindrops
Stomachs are happy again
Grey suits gyrating, files flipping
A feeling of shame for being female
Clothes slip down curves and valleys
drunk on not knowing
Life provides the only chance for hope
raised high his arm stilled
Rectified and at the same time a little wanting
words reframe my life
in life only life had meaning
Vacuum clean the contents of our lives
She took the fury whole
filled her gut with it
she doesn’t follow where inkling’s gone
accepted every slap down
like the commonplace custom it was
all knickety-knack yakking

Linda K. Miller’s Poems to Amuse, Bemuse, and Entertain is available on Amazon. She also has had poems published in books (A Vision, A Verse Volume 1...blah blah blah) and magazines (Sheila Na Gig, Adelaide, Orchards, Porcupine, Rue Scribe...yada yada). Three of her poems appeared in Pandemic Evolution Days 1-100 (2021) with Matthew Wolfe.
Linda recommends the Helping Paws Animal Shelter of McHenry County, Illinois.