"Blaise of Glory" and "Shot in the Foot"

Blaise of Glory


He will not go quietly,

this man who refuses

to disappear into the crowd.


He holds forth, finger jabbing

at a flaccid argument

like the sting-and-float


of a boxer dancing a jig

around a ring. Having given

his shirt away,


he is stripped down to the essentials:

a man and his facts, a meteor

shattering into little stars


plunging to earth like missiles.



Shot in the Foot


I amb

I am

I amble

I amm

I amm

I ample

I ammm

I amplify

I am

an ample man

I am I am

an ambling man

I man up

I am a man



Tyrone Williams

Tyrone Williams teaches literature and theory at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is the author of several chapbooks and five books of poetry: c.c., On Spec, The Hero Project of the Century, Adventures of Pi, Howell and As Iz. A limited-edition art project, Trump l’oeil, was published by Hostile Books in 2017. He and Jeanne Heuving edited the anthology, Inciting Poetics (2019). His website is at http://home.earthlink.net/~suspend/.


Edited for Unlikely by Jonathan Penton, Editor-in-Chief
Last revised on Monday, March 18, 2019 - 22:14