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You're looking at Contributor Links, where you can find more material by the authors featured at Unlikely Stories.

2River View publishes works by Wendy Carlisle, Larry Griffin, Ward Kelley, James Lineberger, Michael Largo, Christopher Mulrooney, Michael Rothenberg, Royce Sykes, Tasha and Lisa Marie Zaran.

3am Publishing publishes works by Vincent Abbate, Rich Logsdon, and Nicholas Morgan.

4*9*1----Imagination is the brainchild of Donald Ryburn.

Check out 10 by MCN and 12 Poems by Michael McNeilley.

Aabye's Baby has the works of Gerald England and Taylor Graham.

Abraxis has works by Ward Kelley and A. R. Lamb.

Afternoon has poetry by Scott Holstad and poetry and a play by James Lineberger.

At Agnieszka's Dowry you'll find poems by Izabel Sonia Ganz and Elisha Porat.

The Alsop Review, a magazine which is amusingly proud of the fact that it does not accept submissions, has chosen to publish the works of Dennis Must.

American Gothic has works by Rich Logsdon.

another useless personal homepage has published works by Elisha Porat.

The Antigonish Review publishes work by John Sokol.

Aphelion contains work by Rich Logsdon.

Apocalypse contains more work by Rich Logsdon.

At Apples&Oranges Oranges&Apples you'll find works by Joja, Laurence Overmire, Elisha Porat, and Jane Butkin Roth.

The Israeli site Ariga includes works by Ward Kelley, Scott Holstad, A. R. Lamb and Elisha Porat.

Art Villa features the poetry of Ward Kelley and Elisha Porat.

At The Astrophysicist's Tango Partner Speaks you'll find poetry by Wendy Carlisle.

Atomic Petals publishes stories by Rich Logsdon.

Bad White Trash Memories is the new home page of Jennifer Waller.

Autumn Leaves includes works by Linda Etheridge.

At Bardo Burner you'll find work from Shane Jones and Nicholas Morgan.

Beehive publishes works by Nicholas Morgan and Michael Rothenberg.

Big Bridge publishes works by Scott Holstad, Ward Kelley, Michael Largo and Dennis Must and is published by Michael Rothenberg. It's Better than Nymphetomania!.

Big Dog Review contains works by Taylor Graham and Scott Holstad.

The Birmingham Poetry Review publishes work by Michael B. Zack.

At Blue Collar Review you'll find works by Holly Day and L. B. Sedlacek.

The Blue Review publishes works by Nicholas Morgan.

Bobby's Poetry Page is the home page of Robert E. Jordan.

Bonfire publishes the works of Laurence Overmire.

At Bookwave you'll find stories by Rich Logsdon.

Boston Poet publishes work by Michael B. Zack.

The prestigious Boston Review has works by Elisha Porat.

The Bridge Collective contains works by Joan Pond.

Bryan Nalley has a delightful home page.

C. J. Sage has an page.

Calliope contains works by Marie Kazalia.

Carved in Sand has works by Nicholas Morgan.

CAUTION! FALLING ROCKS! is the home page of Laura Fletcher.

Chiaroscuro is the home page of Teri Browning.

Another site called Chiaroscuro publishes works by Rich Logsdon.

Children, Churches and Daddies presents works by Laurence Overmire.

At you'll find work by Adam Pepper.

Comrades publishes work by Averil Bones.

Concrete Abstract publishes the poetry of Luke Buckham.

At Conspire you'll find works by Wendy Carlisle, Michael Largo, and Tasha.

COPIOUS Magazine is published by Andrea Grant.

The Copperfield Review publishes work by Ed Lynskey.

Corpse in the Cupboard publishes work by Derick Varn.

The Cortland Review publishes works by Michael Rothenberg.

A Country Rag publishes works by Teri Browning.

Creative Voice has writing by Nicholas Morgan.

The Crone's Poetry Pages is the home page of Izabel Sonia Ganz.

CrossXConnect publishes work by Dennis Must.

The Crowley Cats Page publishes work by Paul E. Sexton 3.

At Dalityapi you'll find writing by Averil Bones.

Dark Truths publishes the works of Rich Logsdon.

Darkzine publishes more of the works of Rich Logsdon.

The popular Dead Mule contains more works by Averil Bones and Ed Lynskey.

Defined Providence includes the works of Michael B. Zack.

At Demonminds you'll find works by Rich Logsdon.

Descant presents writing by John Sokol.

Disqueiting Muses is a literary 'zine that has published Richard Fein, Scott Holstad, Marie Kazalia, A. R. Lamb, James Lineberger, Michael McNeilley, Michael Rothenberg, and Leonore Wilson.

At The Doomed City you'll find works by Shane Allison.

Dreadful Dreams presents the work of Rich Logsdon.

Dream Forge presents more of the work of Rich Logsdon.

Duct Tape Press includes works from Larry Griffin, Scott Holstad, James Lineberger, Michael Largo, Rich Logsdon, Michael Rothenberg and Tasha.

Dynamic Patterns presents more fiction by Rich Logsdon.

The poetry section at is singlehandedly run by Anne Lombardo Ardolino.

Eclectica includes the works of Alan Kaufman, Michael Largo and Tasha.

Electron Press has fiction for sale by B. M. Bradley and A. R. Lamb.

Eotu has work by Rich Logsdon.

Exquisite Corpse publishes writings by Tom Bradley, Michael Foster, Scott Holstad, James Lineberger, Jay Miner, Dennis Must and Michael Rothenberg.

At Forbidden Panda you'll find works by Michael Largo. has published work by Michael B. Zack.

The Free Cuisenart publishes the works of Izabel Sonia Ganz and Taylor Graham.

Free Zone Quarterly includes works by AVeril Bones, Richard Fein and Paul E. Sexton 3.

Funky Dog Publishing publishes the works of Elisha Porat.

At Gathering Darkness you'll find stories by Rich Logsdon.

Check out Gerald England's home page.

At Gnome you'll find writings by Shane Allison.

Gothic Net contains the works of Rich Logsdon.

Gravity: A Journal of Online Writing also includes works by Wendy Carlisle, Dancing Bear, Izabel Sonia Ganz and Larry Griffin.

The Green Tricycle published the work of Tasha.

The Horsetheif's Journal is the source for works by Laurence Overmire and Jane Butkin Roth.

the ho!d has works by Scott Holstad and Nicholas Morgan, and is published by Jay Miner.

At House of Pain you'll find work by Rich Logsdon.

The Hyde Park Herald publishes the works of Charles Blackstone.

The HyperTexts is published by Michael Burch. contains work by Chris Wallace.

The Indie Journal presents the works of Linda Etheridge, Donald Ryburn, and Lisa Marie Zaran.

Infernal publishes work by Rich Logsdon.

The International Zionist Conspiracy will tell you the deep, dark truth about Joja.

Isi Bongo has works by Michael Largo and Michael Rothenberg.

)ism( has published the works of Shane Jones.

Jack Magazine is the creation of Mary Sands and contributor Michael Rothenberg.

Jacket publishes works by Michael Rothenberg.

Jason Paul Fox has a personal web page.

Jewish Life publishes works by Elisha Porat.

Jay Miner has his own web page.

Keeley Rusek has a personal web page.

At Kimera you'll find works by Laurence Overmire and Michael B. Zack.

King Log contains works by Taylor Graham and James Lineberger.

Kung Fu, the home page of Paul Sibley, also has work by Jonathan Penton and Jennifer Waller.

Light and Dust@Grist Mobile Anthology of Poetry publishes works by Michael Rothenberg.

Linnean Street publishes work by Dennis Must.

L'Intrigue has more works by Laurence Overmire.

Log Cabin Chronicles publishes stories by Elisha Porat.

Long Shot has printed the works of Alan Kaufman and Scott Holstad.

At Lucid Moon you'll find writing by Byron Howell, Allison Kramer, and Jay Miner.

Lynx: Poetry from Bath has poetry by Elisha Porat and Michael Rothenberg.

m. e. stubbs poetry journal has works by Yona Alon, Ward Kelley and Elisha Porat.

Main Street Rag Poetry Journal has works from Laurence Overmire.

Makata (Dalityapi) includes the work of Christopher Mulrooney.

The Manhattanite publishes the fiction of Elisha Porat.

Manx Fiction publishes works by Michael Largo and Rich Logsdon.

Masquerade hides works by Larry Griffin.

MCM is the homepage of Maree Jaeger.

Mediphors has works by James Lineberger and Michael B. Zack.

At The Melic Review you'll find more works by Taylor Graham, Michael Largo, and Michael Rothenberg. It's Better than Nymphetomania!

milk Magazine publishes works by Tom Bradley.

Mind Fire has works by Larry Griffin, Scott Holstad, James Lineberger, Michael Largo, Jay Miner and Elisha Porat.

At MindHaven you'll find poetry by Adam S. Hewitt and Nicholas Morgan.

MindKites has works by Nicholas Morgan and Jonathan Penton.

The Miserere Review publishes works by Larry Griffin, Rich Logsdon, and Elisha Porat.

At The Mississippi Review you'll find work from Richard Fein.

Mocha Memoirs has works by Michael Largo and Elisha Porat.

The Morpo Review has more works by James Lineberger, Michael Largo and Elisha Porat.

More Prayers of an Infidel contains poetry by Mark Hartenbach.

Moveo Angelus publishes works by Michael Rothenberg.

Mudlark publishes further works by Michael Rothenberg.

Mungo vs Ranger also publishes works by Michael Rothenberg.

Muse's Kiss includes the work of L. B. Sedlacek.

Mystic River Review publishes poetry by Wendy Carlisle. has works by Michael Rothenberg.

Negative Capability has works by Michael B. Zack.

New Highways contains poetry, photography, and digital art by John R. Hartford.

At New Millennium Writings you'll find work by John Sokol.

New Works Review includes work by L. B. Sedlacek.

New World Poetry publishes work by Tasha.

The Northern Michigan Journal has more works by Larry Griffin.

Nuketown has even more work from Michael Largo.

Online Web Art is the multimedia web site of Donna Kuhn.

The Open Ended It contains the works of Laurel Ann Bogen.

The Oracular Tree has works by Elisha Porat.

Original Synchronicity has more poetry by Mark Hartenbach.

The Outer Rim includes works by L. B. Sedlacek.

Penny-A-Liner includes more works by L. B. Sedlacek.

The Penwood Review contains works by Laurence Overmire.

At Peshekee River Poetry you'll find work by Teri Browning.

Phic-Shun has works by Larry Griffin and Elisha Porat.

The Physik Garden has stories by Nicholas Morgan.

a piece of jade is the playground of C. J. Sage.

At Pif you'll find the works of Taylor Graham, Ward Kelley, Michael Largo, Elisha Porat and Michael B. Zack.

The Pittsburg Quarterly publishes material from Linda Etheridge, Scott Holstad, and John Sokol.

Poem Box includes more works by Linda Etheridge.

Poet's Cut leaves its work by Averil Bones, Michael Largo and Jonathan Penton intact.

Poet's Haven includes the work of Elisha Porat.

The Poet's Porch includes works by Averil Bones.

Poetic Voices includes the works of Rofiah Breen and Brent M. Parker.

At Poetry DownUnder you'll find more works by Averil Bones.

The Poetry Kit publishes works by Michael Rothenberg.

PoetryMagazine contains poems by Averil Bones, Wendy Carlisle, Ward Kelley, Royce Sykes and Elisha Porat. is the creation of Joseph O'Leary.

At Poems Niederngasse you'll find works by Shane Jones, Scott Holstad, and Laurence Overmire.

The Poetry Repair Shop includes works from Izabel Sonia Ganz and Elisha Porat.

Poetry.St Corner is an e-mail magazine that publishes works by John R. Hartford.

At Porcupine Literary Journal you'll find works by Holly Day.

At Progress you'll find the works of Nicholas Morgan.

Pulse of the Twin Cities publishes work by Holly Day.

At Pyrowords you'll find the works of Laurel Ann Bogen, Ward Kelley, Scott Holstad, and Michael Rothenberg.

Quarterly West publishes works by John Sokol.

Rattle publishes works by Dancing Bear and Michael B. Zack.

The Red Rock Review is edited by Rich Logsdon.

Redsine contains the works of Rich Logsdon.

The Reset Syndicate is the home page of Michael Wendling.

Rewriting Reality publishes work by Rich Logsdon.

Riding The Meridian publishes works by Wendy Carlisle and Michael Rothenberg.

Rio Grande Review has the works of Dancing Bear.

Riverrun publishes more works by Michael B. Zack.

Road of Shadows has more works by Joan Pond and Elisha Porat.

a Room without Walls has writing by Larry Griffin and Donald Ryburn.

At The Rose and Thorn you'll find works by Linda Etheridge, Scott Holstad, and Ward Kelley.

Salon publishes writings by Tom Bradley and Alan Kaufman. It's also my primary source for news, which seems a bit of a non sequitor, but I've always maintained that whenever possible one should be smoking a big fat joint while writing HTML code so perhaps my perspective is skewed, or maybe that's the reason it's not a non sequitor after all I'm not real sure.

Salt River Review contains works from Wendy Carlisle.

Salty Dreams is Tasha's home page.

Salty Dreams Poetry Forums are poetry forums controlled by Tasha.

Sarasvatizine contains more writings from Wendy Carlisle.

Satoka publishes the works of Rich Logsdon.

Savoy publishes other writings by Izabel Sonia Ganz, Alan Kaufman and Elisha Porat.

San Francisco Salvo contains works by Averil Bones, Ward Kelley, Rich Logsdon, Joan Pond and Elisha Porat.

Check out Scott C. Holstad's Writing Habits.

Shadow of the Marquis publishes work by Rich Logsdon.

Shadow Voices publishes more work by Rich Logsdon.

Short North Gazette contains works by Laurence Overmire.

Sinister Element has even more work by Rich Logsdon.

The Siennas Poetry Suite publishes works by Paul E. Sexton 3.

Simon Perchik has a web page with many of his works.

Slipstream publishes works by Dancing Bear and Michael B. Zack.

Snakeskin Poetry Webzine publishes the works of Richard Fein, James Lineberger, Royce Sykes and Tasha.

Sojourner Wolf's Cyber Den is the home page of Royce Sykes.

Sonora Review has writings by James Lineberger.

Southern Ocean Review publishes works by Dennis Must and Michael Rothenberg.

Spacerat publishes stories by Rich Logsdon.

The Stabbing Room is the home page of James Wall.

At Stagger you'll find works by James Lineberger.

Steel Caves contains work by Rich Logsdon.

At Steel Point Quarterly you'll find work by Tasha.

Sticky Keys includes writing from Michael Largo.

Stirring Magazine presents works by James Lineberger and Tasha.

storisende is a German site that features the works of Vincent Abbate.

Swallow presents the works of Elisha Porat.

Sweaty Lip Fetish presents more works by Tasha.

Switchblade Kiss has writings by Rich Logsdon.

Sycamore Review publishes works by Michael Rothenberg.

I should nix this stupid links page. God, this is boring work.

Tales from the Vault publishes works by Nicholas Morgan.

Tantalus Fire presents the work of Rich Logsdon.

Taste for Flesh has work by Rich Logsdon.

Terminus includes more writing from Nicholas Morgan.

(this) poetry site has works by Tasha.

At Three-Lobed Burning Eye you'll find writing by Rich Logsdon.

At Thunder Sandwich you'll find work by Teri Browning, Larry Griffin, Scott Holstad, Rich Logsdon, Elisha Porat, Paul E. Sexton 3 and Lisa Marie Zaran.

Thylazine is published by contributor Coral Hull.

Tikkun has writing from Alan Kaufman and Elisha Porat.

tombradley posts one of his stories, The Foul Fiend Flibbertigibbet, on-line.

Tom Perry's Grassroot's Poetry has works by Donald Ryburn.

TopWrite Corner publishes the works of Rich Logsdon.

The TRINARY Journal has works by Larry Griffin.

uXu publishes works by Marie Kazalia.

Wanton is the home page of B. M. Bradley.

Wayne H is the home page of Wayne H.W Wolfson.

The Weekly Poem includes works by Elisha Porat.

At Weird Visions you'll find stories by Rich Logsdon.

Whillow publishes the works of Lisa Marie Zaran.

Wings is an e-zine that publishes Andrea Drugay.

Wired Art for Wired Hearts contains works by Linda Etheridge, Sara Gaffney-Gilbertson, Rochelle Hope Mehr, Jonathan Penton, Royce Sykes and Tasha.

A Writer's Choice Literary Journal has stories by Simon Booth and poetry by Wendy Carlisle, Izabel Sonia Ganz, Ward Kelley, Michael Largo, Rich Logsdon, Elisha Porat, Jane Butkin Roth, L. B. Sedlacek, and Lisa Marie Zaran.

Yellow Dog Magazine publishes works by Michael Largo.

Check out Yona Alon - Tranlated Poems.

Young Poets has more works from Adam S. Hewitt.

At Ygdrasil you'll find more works by Richard Fein, Shane Jones, Marie Kazalia, Elisha Porat, Michael Rothenberg and Royce Sykes.

Zero City publishes the works of Laurel Ann Bogen and Michael McNeilley.

Zuzu's Petals contains the works of Laurel Ann Bogen, Wendy Carlisle, Dancing Bear, Taylor Graham, Alan Kaufman, Scott Holstad, Jane Butkin Roth, Michael Rothenberg, and Michael B. Zack.

Zyzzyva publishes works by Michael Rothenberg.

If you have a web site that you would like to see listed at Unlikely Stories, just type the URL into the box below and click Submit. If it is appropriate, I'll link to your site within a few days. Reciprocal links are appreciated but not required.