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Stop the Devil

I'm an angel 
who has lost his wings. 
I need to stop 
the devil tonight. 
I'll blow his head 
clean off with a gun. 
But here's the part 
where it gets tricky. 
He's disguised as 
a human being. 
My roommate, John 
The Baptist, and 
the devil are 
against me.  They are 
reading my mind: 
speaking to me when 
I'm fast asleep. 
I'm afraid I'll 
be attacked when 
I am discharged 
from this hospital. 
This is why I 
need to get a hold 
of a shotgun 
to protect myself. 
The head of John, 
The Baptist, tells me 
to kill myself. 
But I won't do it. 
I know the voice 
isn't real.  It's just 
the dark prophet 
trying to hurt me. 
My roommate called 
the police on me. 
He refuses to 
believe who I am. 
I am an angel 
who has lost his wings. 
I need to stop 
the devil tonight.

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