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Wake from the dream
Sitting alone in a hotel room 
at 3.01 am the only light 
comes from the tv  flickering 
the only sound 
from dark streets hissing 
the music of my mind 
fading into the far off distance 
looking out of the window 
through silent rain 
overlooking a cemetery 
its locked gates barring entry 
and exit 
half empty beer bottle 
sinking in my weary hand 
dry corpses littering 
the floor 
I hear someone 
snoring in the room 
next door  
the only difference 
between the dead 
and the living 
being that 
the dead do not wake 
from the dream 
a soft glow hovers over 
the gravestones 
I decide to sit it out 
watch the clock
tick by 
over and over
fearing the sleep of death
better not to dream 
at all even if only 
for tonight

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