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Cheese box head

Dicks and pussies
Is all you eat
And ketchup, relish the mustard
That sticks in your fucking mustache
And tells you what you ate the night before, in the morning
You drunk bastard.

People need more heroin.
It is a preserver and Amsterdam and Vancouver are right
One can eat, on heroin.
Not get fat though just dark circles
Running around the body but not the brain!
Wasn’t lookin’ too good but feelin real well
Keith sang.
Burroughs lasted until 85 or so.
Shit can I live?
Too many die how they die don’t’ they know dosage levels?
Or in the stupor do they forget and get greedy, wanting more more more

Alcohol another panacea.
Can only write poems on alcohol
Can’t see the keyboard to write more
I’ll live they can’t kill me
I can and don’t want to kill myself though.
Enjoy and envoy
Teach your children well.
Blasted but still blasting.
Bet you don’t like this poem.
The one’s who don’t smoke die in extreme sports.

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