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StillnessTo Jonathan Penton's previous piece     I Only Want a TasteTo Jonathan Penton's next piece


I was damaged
Before you ever came along
I was torn up, shredded, liquified
Beyond any hope of repair
	or recognition
I don't expect you to know who I am

I am broken
No healing salve, no cooling words
Can reverse what
has been done
No situation can save me
No love can change me
It is too late for absolution, my only hope is dissolusion
I can never be clean
But I can find cleansing

This is my only option
This is what's left to me
Now that my soul and psyche are utterly decayed
There is no satisfaction
This is not a permanent solution
But I might survive
If I strip myself down and prepare for

I know how to go about dissolving my identity
My ego cannot be purified
It must be destroyed
No thought, no rationale can stand in my way
This is the greatest act of nihilism
So go, try to find a safe place to stand
You don't want to be in my path

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