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An Abbreviated History of the U.S. Through the Late 1800’s


The North American continent was a whiteboard waiting to be filled.

Chapter 1

In the meantime, it articulated itself,
geologically speaking.

Chapter 2

It didn’t take much of an opening in the receding ice caps
before migratory groups began to move into the continent and spread southward.

Chapter 3

Coast lines were explored and mapped.

Chapter 4

Cabeza de Vaca walked in circles in the southwest.

Chapter 5

Sherman marched to the sea.

Armies maintained their supply lines
except for Grant when he circled around Vicksburg.

Chapter 6

The Plains Indians reached the height of their material prosperity just before their extinction.

Chapter 7

The American government deported peoples wholesale well before the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia.


The past is wrapped in shrouds,
the losers fall by the wayside,
the winner’s reward is loneliness.

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