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It took four tries, but that night, he got it right. In exchanging the skin for sweat, in the concentration of all muscles that comes with orgasm, his mind lights up like a city intersection. Loud and beautiful his body rock begins.

Across town a boy whose frame had never come before found unholy solace in plunging a concrete block, bigger than the both of his jerking fists, into the rear windshield of a car. Both sleek and brown under a pale street light.

The sound woke one woman - who alone had also heard his pace quicken away in canvas sneaker patters down the block. She leaned back in bed and looked toward the open window. Quickly inhaled by her were the traces of sex on the air. Her body had risen from its dust of sleep, and not for fear of shattered glass in the back seat. For her, it only took one try, but she could not ignore the lust on the message that some future midnight had given her.