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due to the raptures
i cannot recall a face exacting
of my deliverer, only
envisage the temperance
through a holy composite's aid:

... her NATIONALITY was that of Mary Helen MacKillop / her HEIGHT was 5' 7'' but could extend to that of St. Joseph of Cupertino / her MOUTH had the imperishable eloquence of St. Anthony of Padua - four hundred years old and as soft, pink and fresh as if still living / her HAIR was that of Theresa of Avila which mopped a paved direction from fleas, ghosts, and bad roads / her NOSE the shape of Sister Giovanna Maria della Croce - one only scent doing me no harm was that which breathed from her own person / her FRAGRANCE the Blessed Maria Anna of Jesus - in balsam which disinterring surgeons would not remove from their hands / her EYES belonging to the Madonna dell'Archetto painting - the pupils of which dilate and contract in the dark according to the distance of a lighted candle / a MOLE on her forehead red from being lightly touched by the hand of Padre Pio / her COUNTENANCE to Saint Francis of Paola - whose humility is impervious to fire and hardship / WOUNDS of love i kissed in dredged splendour on her neck bear the face of Jesus of Nazareth considering her moods ...

this be posted
by intervention
on the walls of Catholic houses
through statues of Our Lord Savouir
praised by thousands
a visitation
recognisance to all

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