Unlikely 2.0

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Editors' Notes

Maria Damon and Michelle Greenblatt
Jim Leftwich and Michelle Greenblatt
Sheila E. Murphy and Michelle Greenblatt

A Visual Conversation on Michelle Greenblatt's ASHES AND SEEDS with Stephen Harrison, Monika Mori | MOO, Jonathan Penton and Michelle Greenblatt

Letters for Michelle: with work by Jukka-Pekka Kervinen, Jeffrey Side, Larry Goodell, mark hartenbach, Charles J. Butler, Alexandria Bryan and Brian Kovich

Visual Poetry by Reed Altemus
Poetry by Glen Armstrong
Poetry by Lana Bella
A Eulogic Poem by John M. Bennett
Elegic Poetry by John M. Bennett
Poetry by Wendy Taylor Carlisle
A Eulogy by Vincent A. Cellucci
Poetry by Vincent A. Cellucci
Poetry by Joel Chace
A Spoken Word Poem and Visual Art by K.R. Copeland
A Eulogy by Alan Fyfe
Poetry by Win Harms
Poetry by Carolyn Hembree
Poetry by Cindy Hochman
A Eulogy by Steffen Horstmann
A Eulogic Poem by Dylan Krieger
An Elegic Poem by Dylan Krieger
Visual Art by Donna Kuhn
Poetry by Louise Landes Levi
Poetry by Jim Lineberger
Poetry by Dennis Mahagin
Poetry by Peter Marra
A Eulogy by Frankie Metro
A Song by Alexis Moon and Jonathan Penton
Poetry by Jay Passer
A Eulogy by Jonathan Penton
Visual Poetry by Anne Elezabeth Pluto and Bryson Dean-Gauthier
Visual Art by Marthe Reed
A Eulogy by Gabriel Ricard
Poetry by Alison Ross
A Short Movie by Bernd Sauermann
Poetry by Christopher Shipman
A Spoken Word Poem by Larissa Shmailo
A Eulogic Poem by Jay Sizemore
Elegic Poetry by Jay Sizemore
Poetry by Felino A. Soriano
Visual Art by Jamie Stoneman
Poetry by Ray Succre
Poetry by Yuriy Tarnawsky
A Song by Marc Vincenz

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The Woman Reading Tea Leaves, That Was Friday, Wasn't It? and What Was It That December Then?
by Lyn Lifshin, July 2011
'"you will feel intensely but
not for long." I think how my Greek
date's face paled. Did I, even then,
believe her? That wildness, hysterical'

Gears, Rust, and Bolts
by Luke Skoza, July 2011
"but love is a gunshot; you hear it
and then it's gone, and she was a wood
board that became more moldy every time
 she ignored him."

Thirty Years of Service, The Lettuce Workers, and To a Neighbor Back from War
by Donal Mahoney, July 2011
"First of all, your mind.
The chimes must stop,
the drums, the horns,
as well. Finally, the long,
the wild parade"

In Memory of Ira Cohen
by Louise Landes Levi, June 2011
"Breathing yr. last the
day I return fr. my retreat. I was
thinking of you on the island, dancing
for you. the dance encapsulates the teachings–
why didn't you ever talk abt. it?
you never asked.

by Alan Ramón Clinton, May 2011
"stuck on probability Zeitgeist
magnetic falcons rubbing her hands together
let me be your hysterical patient
coming back in the cry of a moon's eye"

Drugs and Hypo
by Thomas Michael McDade, May 2011
"Reading by flashlight into dawn,
empty Whitman Sampler cups
carpeting the floor would crinkle
as I sneaked up on the rack
where Playboy lived."

Ascent/Descent and At the Gate
by A.g. Synclair, May 2011
"milking shadows from the breasts of naked trees
closer to me than words on a page
these fragile things, like sleep
or paper thin prayers"

Meditation and All
by Felino A. Soriano, May 2011
"Noon's swollen
                      heard among funnels of yarned italicized icteric         angles

Your father's Banjo, Plea Bargain, and My father naked
by Kelley Jean White, May 2011
"and he was an old man
legs scaling like peeled
wall paper"

Unless Fire Breather, grey remote, and black implosion within the confines of a rose
by Billy Cancel, May 2011
"recent curve      she was      well groomed half eaten.
your tale of undoing will ultimately be just another
from the lush bio-domes of los angeles a character
defaulting flooded"

Baseball, Searching for My Friends, and These Are the Things that Make a Nervous Breakdown
by Ally Malinenko, May 2011
"We chase ghosts,
slowing down on the sidewalk
to pass houses everyone else passes
every day without notice."

The View from My Son's Apartment or Why He Chose this Place to Live, Identity Because, and Morning
by Michael H. Brownstein, May 2011
"He had long pockets heavy with things
Deep and uncomfortable like the syllables of his name
And the company he worked for. The photograph
Laced to his clothing did not match him either,"

She Said Days, Those Opal Earrings, and The Dream of His Mahogany Body, Perfectly Arched Amazing Ballet Feet
by Lyn Lifshin, May 2011
"I wouldn't have worn them,
suspicious enough to not
wear what wasn't for me.
(Not that I hadn't imagined
holding what I shouldn't)."

The Ministry of Kybosh
by Chris D'Errico, April 2011
"Identify with the brands that sell products you think will change the earth, thus life, life thus the earth. Spare change, small change, slow change. Conscience. "Big Ideas leave little room for reality." Government will do the best it can. Good change. Grabbed a rifle. Up the stairs. Nobody listens. What's the point to all this. Just point and shoot."

boy's handwriting and Vowel Sounds
by Kathleen Radigan, April 2011
"blooms under and over
your S spine, sinuous, strong
D being an orchard sprouts
from the bottom."

Stanley Jordan, Pat Metheny, and Miles Davis
by Stephen Bett, April 2011
"Nothing wasted
nothing left of that
freakish, frenetic

She occasionally speaks in language., January., and Knowing.
by Heather Brager, April 2011
"overwhelmed with nostalgia
in moments not yet had
reconstructing the pressure
of speaking digestible clarity"

being somebody everybody nowhere at the same time, artist as family man (daily decisions), and brain in the jar
by Omar Azam, April 2011
"It's a sign of insanity
to scratch nervously on paper,
a public pièce de résistance,
a pen moving to keep pace"

Shell Shock, Romance, and The Poets
by Jay Passer, April 2011
"Rubble and smoking ruin
Phosphorous, sinister calm
I gotta hand it to you
You busted up my trifecta"

Monday, As If Maybe Some of the Sun, and Though the Romans Associated Emeralds with Fertility and Rebirth
by Lyn Lifshin, April 2011
"like in the myth, let
it shatter into a hundred
pieces, clear green
I can press against my eyes"

Tuesday Before Thanksgiving, The Day After, and On Dealing With Fate
by Alan Britt, April 2011
"Next, I would invite this fate
over for a meal
consisting of mango, pistachio, Swiss chocolates,
and heavily-doctored Jamaican coffee."

Ghazal of the Dribald Drowser, Spider Boy Ghazal 19, and 2 Feet Firmly Planted in Ghazal
by Dennis Mahagin, March 2011
"My fealty, my fealty fraudulent as fourteen filthy forks, stashed
within din of microwave. Never marry bungee cord with chainsaw.

And frankly petrified at your perturbation, having come this far!
—he spake, an authentic Blake in Kesey's sad forest. 19 day novel."

Prayer for the Raggled, Torn, and Confused, Turn Down the Volume, and Raising the Bucket
by Colin Dardis, March 2011
"Record every moment,
describe every thought. It gets weary,
like listening to a songbird
through a megaphone:"

Wealth and Funeral Improvisation
by KJ Hannah Greenberg, March 2011
"Being is willed without avail
To manifestations of nose wipes
Until the watery spirit is fastened down."

The In-Store Prophet and Footwear for the Marriage Journey
by Gene Keller, March 2011
"& who would ask Buddhas for time?
& who would ask Quetzalcohuatl to moult?
& who would ask Jesus to write on sand?

Offering and Boy Hips (Opening Scene of a Horror Movie)
by Laura McLaughlin, March 2011
"Boy hips. Not spread out
The way they were meant to,
Like something stunted around
Say 12, Fight or flight turned up too high"

A Freud Kind of Day and September Afternoon
by Paul E. Sexton III, March 2011
"when we were really drunk and she decided that
I needed to vomit, she would hold me down
and stick her finger down my throat until I did"

Papaya Jelly Bean and Once You Say Two Things Are Together They Are
by Ricky Garni, March 2011
"Molly said Whiskey in a Can, what a horrible idea.
I said, no, Chocovine, red wine and chocolate milk,
now that is a horrible idea. Molly said, I can't believe
that they are still together, he treats her so awfully...

from betwixt: a love poem to mixed
by j/j hastain, March 2011
"and the color force experienced by quarks
is a differentiation
that holds
them together"

A Theory on the Origin of Western Civilization
by Raymond Keen, March 2011
"Together, we enjoyed watching
Leatherface on the wide screen
As he skewered the screaming girl
Securely on the meat hook,"

Harsh, Invention, and Desire
by Lisa Zaran, March 2011
"Harmless heart, do not press
for an answer, continue
with your eyes, searching."

Lucid Dream
a video-poem by Tom Bradley, January 2011
"Tibetans taught this to their fledgling dead
before enduring death-by-Mao instead.
But dream yogins are just as doctrinaire
as Ratzinger in his sedilla chair."

Nihilistic 'Fluffer and The American Green Skin
by Frankie Metro, January 2011
"Dear America,
There's a cyst in the system of you and I.
We should reconcile for good health.

...and why not? and Before
by Steve Robbins, January 2011
"Momentarily we are alive, human, blurbs
ballooning above the grotesque, metafiction
time erased and retraced, formed and reformed,
generations of ideas wombed in the energy of pain."

ejaculation, that magpie, and novelty act
by Richard Mason, January 2011
"bird  of  omen
how        many
sorrow joy etc
this that other"

My Heart Sent Me to School, Into the Flames, and Argue with Time
by Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, January 2011
"I go with the masses.
I go to chaos.
I fight like the flames.
I fight to the death."

Gravity Fed, Reaction, and The Fear of Math Is the Fear
by Carol Dorf, January 2011
"Moment of proof, as in knowing that you are in love,
whether or not the other reciprocates. Moment of proof,
when showing the second case follows naturally/logically
from the first, and therefore the third will follow."

Malignant, Curtal, and Traveling Short Distances
by Wendy Taylor Carlisle, January 2011
"Cutting is what happens
when you forget that liaison
because it is the mind's
job to save your life by lopping,"

Political Currency
a poem-series by Francis Raven, January 2011
'Everything has become public:
"I'm not an autonomy gal
more self-development"
because everything is art
(if there's a restriction
you must contest it)'

Riding High After Midnight with Mary Jane
by Michael Grover, October 2010
"She's in the fucking title
So she's in the Poem
Which proves she's been around
Not that I'm a rat or nothin'"

Good Sex Illustrated
by Joseph Cooper, October 2010
'"I'm handing you this gun."
"What are you defending?"
"Between ghosts and subject matter," Father yelled
             before beckoning Mother to the garage'

Chocolate Envy and Surya Namaskar
by John F. Buckley, October 2010
"Black people rule! Because all around,
they're in charge of everything. Oprah,
Tyra, Tiger, Obama, Kanye, even Beyonce.
They're black, they're proud, they're here to stay."

ejaculation, that magpie, and novelty act
by Richard Mason, January 2011
"bird  of  omen
how        many
sorrow joy etc
this that other"

My Heart Sent Me to School, Into the Flames, and Argue with Time
by Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, January 2011
"I go with the masses.
I go to chaos.
I fight like the flames.
I fight to the death."

Gravity Fed, Reaction, and The Fear of Math Is the Fear
by Carol Dorf, January 2011
"Moment of proof, as in knowing that you are in love,
whether or not the other reciprocates. Moment of proof,
when showing the second case follows naturally/logically
from the first, and therefore the third will follow."

Malignant, Curtal, and Traveling Short Distances
by Wendy Taylor Carlisle, January 2011
"Cutting is what happens
when you forget that liaison
because it is the mind's
job to save your life by lopping,"
