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Leave of Absence

my neptune's in scorpio
in the first house and I've got a quarter
for the payphone I barely hear
the desk clerk
make the reservation I've done
this all before this time I'll get it right
in the bar with the red dress
so this is what it's like to be pretty
I'm hot and cold
the astrological chart reported
and the man complained
I need almost complete freedom
in relationships
chart continued
man refused
but I took it anyway left the trench coat
in the room
and the disturbance in the lobby
to the fire drills before breakfast we're waiting
in the gazebo in the morning
where a woman smiles
right through me and I sit at the concert
with the children next to the people who wonder
if we're together
but we're not and we're over
you show up and I'm barely there
I can't remember what you said
at the party what you screamed
at the restaurant what you whispered
in my ear I can't remember the last time
you were here and now I barely am
I can't remember the last time
I really was

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