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Common Currency
Space to skin and everything within 
Goes sticky mad and tangled 
in this jungle heat.
Send me some love
The dawn crack to my belly
The cock crow 
Your cock in my hand while you smile,
Ask me the time and I wonder
why you’d ask me that.
Take off your jacket; take off your hat.
Tell me it’s time to start eating through
our centers, since there isn’t enough of us
on the outside.
I sit here, gray as the day, and you go inside.
I tell you we’re jaded, 
you nod, undress, sit on the bed, while I 
get up, inch closer, give you head. 
You tell me we’re on the same plane,
then one passes overhead, 
And I think to myself,
I’m living the literal dream 
where words form pictures 
become separate realities that are glued 
together for special effects. 
You beg to differ,
I just beg to be understood.
We undress all the way 
talk talk talk about how the sex is good. 
At least we agree on that. 
I give you my body like the change 
owed from a ten-dollar bill.
You count and I cum. Twice.
That makes you smile.
You think you know something about me now.
This time I smile: I know better.

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