Unlikely Stories Presents


To the Unlikely Stories home pageThe short fiction of Charles Rammelkamp focuses on the trials and tribulations of ordinary people with extraordinary inferiority complexes. His characters are nerdy and loveable, wandering through life with uncertain dismay, exploring themselves and their surroundings with regrets that you'll instantly find familiar. They're incredibly easy to identify with, representing the neuroses and behaviors we all fear within ourselves. You'll be utterly absorbed by their misadventures.

Charles Rammelkamp is the author of three chapbooks. i don't think god's that cruel and Go to Hell are both published by March Street Press. The first is a series of dramatic monologues that deal with a cataclysmic traffic accident in a small town in Michigan, the devastation, and the coming to terms with grief. The second, Go to Hell, is a series of poems about an adjunct English instructor's semester teaching English 101 at a community college. Rammelkamp's third poetry chapbook, A Convert's Tale, published by Pudding House, deals with issues of death and dying. A collection of his short fiction entitled A Better Tomorrow is available from PublishAmerica. These are stories about Jewish converts. He recently edited Fake-City Syndrome, a collection of essays on American cultural issues, published by Red Hen Press in 2002. Ask him more or just drop him a line at Charles.Rammelkamp@ssa.gov.

Charles's works here at Unlikely Stories are:

Stuck in the Middle
Everybody Plays the Fool
Judgement Day
The Freewheelin' Roger Castleman
Taboo or Not Taboo?
Castleman Calls it Quits
A Man Like Me
The Knockout Punch
The Impersonator