Unlikely Stories Presents

ROD MASON once dueled with Keanu

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The dark enclaves of Rod Mason's heart

The erotic stories of Rod Mason are strong and vivacious, packing a punch that keeps us reading to the last line. Whether he's weaving a subtle romance, a more direct erotic story, or stories that aren't quite clear, he uses precise and visual descriptions to present characters that are truly real, and truly exciting.

Rod says, “Some of us have a tendency to think that good writing should sell itself, but we who have tried know that it’s not that simple. I sold my first short story twenty-five years ago under a different name. It was a proud day for me. Then reality struck and I was forced to temporarily give up writing in favor of supporting a family. We found eating to be preferable to by-lines. Much to my delight, however, the dream remained strong.

”After thirty-three years in public service I am now retired, and have resumed writing fulltime. Since April of 2000, I have had five short stories accepted for publication. My other career was a learning experience and is behind me. At age fifty-six I no longer see any reason to remain Earthbound.

”If one can take a bit of the mundane and turn it into entertainment, he is said to be talented. That is what the storyteller does. Take a kernel of truth and expand on it, make it grow, add spice and depth—you are a writer of fiction. That is not to say you are successful. There is still much to do. Among other things, one must be skillful and imaginative. Having had a lifetime of experiences with people in all manner of tragedy, I have learned about the term, “Character Driven.” It’s not only a literary principal. We could change that to, “Character Study.” The more we know about people and their travails, the better our creations will be.

”I once knew a Latin immigrant who was not particularly handsome. He had an incredible ability to attract women. Although single, he never went home alone. When we asked him the secret of his success, he taught us an important lesson. To paraphrase him: You must be willing to face failure and absorb the pain that always accompanies rejection. If you tend to give up after a few negatives, you will have little hope of success.

”Do I have a favorite quote? I can think of several. Recently, though, there is one that keeps popping into my head. I think my collaborator wrote it: ‘Hey, rodmason, Giving up is easy!’

”Go Boldly!”

You can write to Rod at rodmason2000@aol.com.

Rod's works here at Unlikely Stories are:

Aara's Quest
Shades of Gray
Distant Memories
Forever with Love