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A Former Christmas

Exquisite Queen of Hearts
  she is reluntant to venture
beyond the bleak of winter's snow
  (flesh to flesh
   body to body),
so she wavers in thin, icy air
  with plum pudding
on leather seat of Bonanza.
  (arm rests decent to grip
      in turbulant sky),
  they curve through 
      black foam clouds,
  the sun a cold mirror.
     Below them
  is Catskill Territory-
   all white hills now
      a runway is nestled
   close by...
     This woman is dancing
   through a death hoop,
      she's outlived herself
    and the past sifts through
      cerebral corridors of a 
    warmer time, more enlivening,
      when at the Lake House
     behind cattails in August's
       jubilee, she snapped the 
          perfect photo of 
       suspended lilly pads.

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