"Written in a Rhythm You Could Never Understand," "God Feels Like Everyone," and "Never Did I Almost Grieve"

Written in a Rhythm You Could Never Understand

I don’t wanna move backward
I wanna move forward
In extreme night rhythm
A form of pain
Sometimes, when the highlight reels are through
I’ll come lagging back to you
As damaged rain
Otherwise, in fatal charms, I’ll blunder
Because what’s good for you is good for
Your half-brother
The one with the cruel mouth
Are these my pants of tomorrow
When will it be yesterday
If you still have nothing to
Hide, but the chosen



God Feels Like Everyone

Weird man walking
By on cloudy
Like you who thus far haven’t been described
As if seeking
A film to become whom you are—
Gods’ lost voices
In the rain
Until nowhere else is left in light
When gods feel like lost children
Even if no one you need’s up to speed
Await your ghost liar
Cry not on yesterday’s event schedule
Seek out multiplex traumas
Await your own ghost children in shadows
With no one left to whimper from above



Of The Kind Stranger

The poem goes on
In labored breath
In speech altered sometimes
While false cities lie in rain
Never was once like once before
Pity the poor ruined
Your altered birth could lie in rains
With all the flowers bending
Before we become thankful
Like muralists golfing just outside the humdrum
Whom the devil would deny
While he waits for you & me
Please be kind to strangers
Who hunker down in subplots
Where reckless voices almost blend
But most of us are still not allowed to attend



Mark DuCharme

Other poems from Mark DuCharme’s sequence Complicated Grief have appeared in BlazeVOX, Blazing Stadium, First Literary Review- East, Moss Trill and New American Writing. He is the author, most recently, of Here, Which Is Also a Place, published in 2022 by Unlikely Books, and Scorpion Letters, also from 2022 and published by Ethel. Other recent publications include his work of poet’s theater, We, the Monstrous: Script for an Unrealizable Film, published by The Operating System. He lives in Boulder, Colorado, USA. Mark recommends the Southern Poverty Law Center.


Edited for Unlikely by Jonathan Penton, Editor-in-Chief
Last revised on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - 20:04