"The Deepest Part of Dark" Virtual Book Release Party


We celebrated the release of The Deepest Part of Dark (Unlikely Books, 2020) virtually on the evening of July 1, 2002.



Anne Elezabeth Pluto

Anne Elezabeth Pluto is Professor of Literature and Theatre at Lesley University in Cambridge, MA where she is the artistic director and one of the founders of the Oxford Street Players, the  university’s Shakespeare troupe. She is an alumna of Shakespeare & Company, and has been a member of the Worcester Shakespeare Company since 2011. She was a member of the Boston small press scene in the late 1980s and is one of the founders and editors at Nixes Mate Review. Her most recent book is The Deepest Part of Dark (Unlikely Books, 2020).

Tara Campbell

Tara Campbell is a writer, teacher, Kimbilio Fellow, fiction co-editor at Barrelhouse Magazine, and graduate of American University's MFA. In addition to previous Flame Tree anthologies, prior publication credits include Wigleaf, The Rumpus, Electric Literature, Star*Line, Apparition Lit, and Rigorous. She's the author of a novel, two hybrid collections of poetry and prose, and two short story collections from feminist sci-fi publisher Aqueduct Press. Find her at www.taracampbell.com.

Kayla Rodney

Kayla Rodney, a New Orleans native, has been studying and writing poetry for the last fifteen years. She’s a graduate of Lusher Charter High School, Xavier University of Louisiana, San Diego State University, and recently received her Ph.D. from the University of Florida. After being displaced due to Katrina, and then later migrating to different cities for her education, she felt a pull to write about home and the tremendous power of community, landscape, family, and water. Her first book is Swimming Home (Unlikely Books, 2020).


Edited for Unlikely by Jonathan Penton, Editor-in-Chief
Last revised on Sunday, July 5, 2020 - 09:05